

~Miss A

Dear Love,

I'm petrified, spellbound by your beauty, which I cannot disregard, for after years of finding, consisting of errors and trails, now I can taste it, it's just right. It's flashing sunlight here, yet I feel the frost bite. It's silken, and silly as it may seem but you make the ends of my nerves twingle. I've been a master at counting colours of nature, but when you dwindle with the seasons, I find the rarest of 'em intervened. The missing piece of a charm riddle, I fit in, and it's mine to keep. 

Who won't be scared, let there be I. Each living being tries to keep it's most precious thing close, and I've been enigmatic. So restless, trying to keep my thoughts stitched in place. If I would be a great player of music, I'd pour all of my emotions in letters and scaled my intrument to speak it, never giving out a word. Feel my pain, the intensity of how I know everything inside, the expressions, but cyphered by a wheel of dictionary. If I was a painter, I'd try to draw your beautiful lit by sun in the night, underwater. I'd screech my lines running deep like a slaughter never giving a form to self. You'd be confused by the introspect, but you'd still stare. 

When I hear you, I find the world out of focus, when I'm by you, by breathing is steady and clear. I asked to investigate my sweet spot more, but love, you rooted a fruitful tree, that makes me understand the fundamentals to life. To wish to live more, is to love. Is to love anything, and it will make you reconsider the odds. To be welcomed in a garden, mine to be as I like, how could I refuse. But I scared too, the paradise I'd step in, would it be stolen from me. The thread of happiness I walk in, I'm walking with my all. You smile, and I find ecstasy, you're saddened and I see treason; you run and I find my own rage, but when you're calm, my heart meditates. A little fish to pet in the bowl, dies one day at its best, who's responsible for the dread? Framed a book of questions but the mind keeps flashing mine. 

What I have is what is precious to me. I'd cry losing my hair, but my priority is found and I see helplessness. For what's mine is what I fight for, always, and it is but you. And mumma told me I'm strong, I'm a warrior, so I'll keep fighting, till the last breath like a true soldier. I cannot fall to my knees, cause the needle pricks inches deeper as we lose hold of what we held so firmly. You're mine, and mine to keep 




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