Miss A

Laying by the hot spring, a fluid of happiness in the gambling cold haze,

All wobbly and bubbly, everything asked for done, everything achieved,

Toes in, rather wanna drown, lord this pinching pain,

Not being able to kill the gaze, love and precise, not in the moment.

Cradled by the robe, it's only one thing, you and I,

To see everything do yourself, than being welcomed crippling,

Might as well wear the chippings spun with soft layers of forest bark,

Hood around and find you, but self chaining is learned poor,

To be mirrored, to be looked upon like sugar syntactic,

Cherished like an ant, sorting valuables for the winter. 

It's all just RUF, Real ugly feeling,

A piece of you stays in me, one lives one dies,

Even allergies give better signs, unlike rectify and redefine,

Another moment I'll be over it, but right now it burns grasping,

Only to request back a warm sympathise.

Electrocution, I know it, very well, at every nerve ending like a pin prick,

Like a portal to the world in negative, it's building, suppressing, losing form,

And I wanna know the other side with my own eyes,

But I'm well informed this world's building blocks are lies,

But the least to wish is to be candied, if only I could imprint back,

RUF, to close eyes and dream the next thing.

Getting numb and tasteless, a menu to distaste,

In the ville of countless edge dramas, such routine,

I found the fidgetting, oh now I get why illegal knowledge illegal,

Should have not known the ways of it, should have not any of it.

A few more years, and I guess I'll get into forged witchery,

One live one love, but I read of the blind spots, what shit,

No context, this hot spring burning, might as well drown and evaporate,

But then I feel the cold wind, back on feet to see garnet silhouette,

And I wander back to grey on red, cold and blood,

And this silver lining to be found only at a contained state. 

You have the power, you could turn back time,

The soap and mud script cannot be documented,

Pacific, my drench fades, I wanna lose, oh I wanna lose,

The will the sabotaging has become scrumptious.

dumb! Dumb! DUMB! Learn Lily 'tis route death,

The pace, the precautions, the presumptions not to take,

Everything has a price, the correct one not biden,

Fuck around and find out is a bigger facade,

Grieving, visions going back to twenty nineteen,

Finding all passages with blades, breathe in, hold move.

I care for mental health, stabilized it in state of uranium,

Will be okay with anything, already had a drink at the beginning,

Have to cut through, find adrenaline, to know this earth too has a value,

But every tactic seems seen though now, sick.

Being disconnected RUF, thirsty and disappearing,

Could channel all the in-sense, but how boring,

What I want, everyone to provide, but I want it from you,

Unsaid, like a dying wish, Undyne so frank, unlike,

Not to find, well then ghost, but marinate though

ts back,

You know how I am, what makes, what breaks. 


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