The Rights Of Sex Workers

 The Rights Of Sex Workers. 
~Miss A.

Am I in any place to tell the things, about what sex workers are facing? Doesn't feel so. Yet I'm writing this because somewhere, somehow, even people like us who have not met them in real life, know how degraded the life of sex workers is in India.

To speak the truth, I am sure the message from me will have rather no impact on the society, we as casual women hear strange things about ourselves if we dress as we'd like, which sounds rather offensive in the community. The reason of my stating this line is because, as being a person of free will, still a topic like this will hinder to us when we move out, then what about the people who are in the business of sex. It would be very hard to describe their will, what they wish to have, respect to them won't be given anyways, not nothing like minded and free souls of our generation comes to accept it, making a time when we grow older, have a section of our society have 'less' hurtful lines to hear. 

Why does it matter to me? Or to anyone, in general? Hear me out, I don't know if you have heard of the statement 'eyes on someone', we constantly feel bound to it, when we can not ever track it physically. It's because the hue of the society which prevails and having that section uplifted would make the air less dusky at dawn.

Basic rights, yes, shall surely be given to sex workers. I will be very proudful to have our country achieve that. As of the morals I have learnt, one says "If you want understand someone, put yourself on their shoes", I want you to take a moment and try that enigma. There's already a lot of discrimination they are facing. Plus they underplaying them and getting brutalized is not humane to them.

That's all what I had to say on what it means to the society, there are already thousands of articles online, read them to have a basic knowledge. But on opposition to the thought, I am personally very against it. Because everyone is and here's why.

Point 1: Being a normal person from general category, it would be a shame to have them in the same society to us. As we sincerely want people in dog collars to make us look high class.

Point 2: They are awesome at the thing, which is very "don't say it loud" in India, and we are personally very jealous.

Point 3: How will our aunties say "Sabhya, Sanskari and Sundar ladki hai". I am personally very afraid, the thought makes me shiver.

Point 4: I would be very depressed if my partner ever has connection to them. Make me want to track them down and hurt them too.

Point 5: I honestly believe, that basic rights shall be given to only those people who are born in "well saturated families". 

Point 6: I am a psycho secretly, and mental genocide is my favorite hobby. 

Bonus Point: I and every women want to be lusted and lured in corners and we don't care about our privacy and what happens to me.

Congratulations! If you feel any of the point is right for you as well. Please leave your contact information with us. It will be nice to have you onboard. Like how the f*** can these people live. 

Sadly, coming to the conclusion, a majority of people won't contact us, because they are doing it themselves and then consoling their minds, that they but never did. It's hard to tell when people start acting like a hypocrite. Maybe, for their personal embodiment trademark. But the people, we are trying to seek help, just want basic rights, that by all means to every human existing on Earth. We are well educated, and it's everyone's duty to look into these matters and support them. Who said we want such society images for ourselves, we want to go fly out, and lets have sex-workers have a flight as well.

: )


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