A Lesson on Self Care


A Lesson on Self Care.

Hello Women.

I have a question to ask, and I will ask you straightforwardly.

Do you still care about yourself? Talk to yourself? Look after your bodies?

Call yourself beautiful and be profound in your own eyes, because in my sight, you don't need another person to tell you that.
To tell you what you are, once you tell yourself that you are amazing, you become that.

I would like to talk about women’s health in their early twenties. It’s a crazy time period isn’t it, those authentic party dresses don’t seem to grab your attention. It’s bland, you’re happy and unknown sources of happiness, and energy keeps coming at you. But it seems Mother Nature wasn’t satisfied with that, she’d put you in a state where you just don’t want to love yourself, but also be loved by people. Those who we never cared about seem so much, and we’d like the grasp hold of them till the milestone of life we could see. Amazingly, it’s not difficult to attain that, achieve someone’s faith, their trust and entrust yours to them, the issue only becomes a concern when you don’t even realize that the little light of self love that you’d cherish to yourself of burned off.

So take a moment to embrace yourself first. So many people would’ve told you the same, and here I remind you again, because you are worth it honey.

Our twenties is a real time when your body would betray you, and will confirm that you take care of it. The ancestral generation was so out of the knowledge of self consciousness because let’s face it, 20 yrs of age would be the time the Indian society would start shouting that your precious daughter is quite “old” for marriage and would like to marry her ff before that age. Concerns are that there are so many hormonal changes we go through this period of time, but they’d have no idea of it, as the changes they know are of pregnancy and burdens of family responsibilities and being a perfect mother.
Coming to our generation we are really quite lucky, women like each being fight their fights to bring one-self and equivalently everyone up. We have aged up/moved the time span for all this untimely things a decade later issues.

Being in a society we learn the most of the things for hearing from our elders and friends. The question rises once again; would our ancestors be able to tell us about changes women go through in the twenties? They dint have a lifestyle like us, work ethics, time and ability to make our own decisions on our subjects. That sounds ugly, but the fact is a truth quite common in Indian household. With living up as mothers at our age, they would have a different body perfective and understanding of it than ours.
There are books, articles, theories you’d find in Google, try to learn them as you go through it.
The mood swings are bouncer now, metabolism changes- it get’s suddenly overwhelmed and then it gradually declines, you’d curvy- and you’d love that and for your cramps-RIP.
There are lots of good things, your bones get stronger, and your face gets more shaped up as most of the population would love it. And your hormones would silently whisper to you to misbehave.

Feelings are different associated to each individual, you might like some things and you would dislike some. With social understanding and your personal life ups and downs are going to come, but you shall know, you precious body is there holding on to you (even when you think it’s breaking you), and no matter how much you want to be loved by other, you need to realize it, you won’t be satisfied ever if you can’t cherish yourself.
So when you wake up in the morning, say thank you for living a beautiful world and in a precious body, tell yourself you are beautiful and can achieve whatever you want.
And as now you know changes exist, try to speak up for it, cause we all are in it together :)

-Miss A.


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