The Horizon

The Horizon
-       Miss A
It’s been said and it’s so true,
The words from the folk tales
Which enlightens from the dusk to the dews;
And they dictate it in pure harmony
The sad-sad stories
Of people of all ages, who have lost it
To the unknown and in the depth of misery.
When the sunk has sunk,
And the night appears drunk…
When the moon is teased,
And the clouds encounter as they please
A little warm and a little cold
A mixture so unsure and pure
Sweeps enchantingly, nice and bold
With a putrid smell of sugar and spice
Yet so indefinable, but they crave and crave and crave
Until it engulfs them, hold them into a spell
So vicious and sinful like hell
The taste full of grape-wine and ecstasy
It’s that breeze that took them all over themselves
Into the world we call the wonderland
And the fall back with a body of dummy
Excitement overtaking their mind, soul and heart
With smile in their eyes and blood in the cheeks,
Only to be observed with blankness turning to haziness
And expressions no inexperienced man could tell
As the drift apart willful of their own imagination
Into the possession of merciless horizon.”
“-But grandma, if this world, this wonderland is so amazing
Then why do they call it ‘sad-sad-stories’?
Why do they want to possess something bad?”
And yet the granny didn’t say something
She smiled differently and then laughed for a while
And stared at the night sky
At the stars that shined so bright then looked into her eyes
Eloping again with her chants
Giving her no answer and no lies
The little girl hated that secrecy
The girl different then what she is now
Whom she remembered innocent and a li’l angered from within
As now she took a sip of the same breeze
Forgetting herself all dizzy and pleased
As if every word from her got embroidered
To her soul and answered her own unanswered question
Wanting to dive deeper into the black hole of sad-sad-stories
A cheerful dystopia of consideration, the horizon…
“As the time progresses into the darker shade of dusk
The dizziness of the night will pink the flush
The winds will elaborate its art of ruling the cold
As it will chill down nerves, spines and bones
Dumping them into endless carousel of the past and future
Lived life a short reel and the upcoming unforeseen
Biting back the precious gems they have lost
With newer paintings of bitter-bitter and no bittersweet
No rough sketches of mountains sun and flowing river
Or moonlit scenario of sleeping marigold fields 
Or beautiful and colorful bird’s tweet-tweet
A sigh they said will escape them
As they will realize the night time stories
The perfect dost of candy floss-sweet
How has the need for pure-innocent happiness increased!
And so now the blankness tastes the best
The times endeavored will lay its rewards
With no slow set of memorials
And no speedy thoughts of future
Pure wonderland, eclipse of present
After which great men lost it, the horizon”
“-But grandma, what lies in the horizon? I can’t understand!”
She looked at her with promising eyes
And magically unspoken words hit her mind
As she said “-You will, my dear…”
Did she misread or did she really say so?
But now she smiles as she knew the craving of the horizon
Like her mind synced with those poetic words
Turning to a rhythm
With the last of the folks which yet dint fade away
“All of them, they say; got shaded away
Into the placed they have never been
The never-land, the place you never grow
With lush like sweet cherry-cream-pie
The willful mindless river of unknown fragments
When you stare at the sky
Making every potion of your body, mind, heart and soul
Senses, life, breath and self-control
The vicious place which takes
All your anger, sinister, evil and guilt
And leaves you pitiful
With pure love, innocence and elegance all spilled
Stating your life for the moment   
Unknown with the disguises of foul
The demons of dystopia, the never-land plays its role
Have you yet fallen for it?
-No, they replied
Have you fallen?
Have you fallen?
-Well, not much…
Have you fallen?
Oh! No answer… they have lost it this time!
With blood in their cheeks, broad smiles in their eyes,
Blank faces with no ecstasy lies
Expressions unreadable from these idols
As they take their ride in horizon
And fall into the mist of outer space”


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