Red Dots
Red Dots
~Miss A
There once was a fish,
A fish who knew only to swim,
It swam and swam,
And once it reached waters unknown.
Misplaced it felt, in a new world,
Felt like it did out of it's boundry,
Like a sworn saint commit a crime,
It felt like the blood ran against it path.
A single path of vein and back, loop,
Ain't no pisces, don't come at me to teach,
But it felt it run down to the ends of vein,
It didn't knew existed, and promised not again.
Maybe curiosity overweights theories,
Nothing changed, still hiding from octopuses,
One day, no apparent reason, it traced the route,
But with that memory of a fish where to get.
It swam and it swamed. Just to reach,
But it was somewhere else, but diffrent still,
Illegal still, one more shot and might get microwaved,
And it found a diffrent kind of algae, dope.
Damn life, this was amazing, in out,
But all this decision is sissy,
It returned to it's stone, something similar,
And promised not to go back ever again.
After a few months, small red dots started appearing,
On its skin, spots. Circular, perfect, beautiful,
It just stayed there; after some time ignorant,
These tentacles are as good to damage a pixel.
Then it went out range one day again,
Enjoyed. Maybe this is best before death,
Why care a lot right, no lying to self, no boundaries,
Cool. And soon new red dots just appeared.
It was breaking out of bounds, when it thought,
Was it sick, and death was steering near,
But nothing in it made it to feel absurd,
Maybe it's a sign of the sins he's committed.
God knows, why does the god getting into its privacy,
The greener the grass grew in water, without light,
The coral gives us all these gills need,
But until it's the end, it dropped the the thought, stay ignorant.
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