

~ Miss A

My girl, where is that you are at?

Ping me up, I'll pick you up,

Let's go moonwatching. 

Let's find a place, distant from city lights,

Cold and calm, secure and in girl gang,

Smoke grilled food, mocktail, beach laidback chairs.

Nightshades, pumpkin lotion, contemporary pop,

The view, let's pick up those binoculars too,

Beat tapping, stories and chat lost topics.

Things that I desire, let me tell you,

For you might not know the pros of moonbathing,

The stars the all there to twinkle for you too. 

They teach you, that even at rest, look up,

Head held high, vision to the sky,

For who they grind, shine in the mindless night.

It's all just a glittering soup, shimmering metallic,

Right though our souls, igniting the bedazalled,

Oh! To be a child of the night, calm and chaotic.

Let's make some paper lanterns, show craftsmanship,

Put all the heart in for something absolutely ridiculous,

But we just aged up, heart remains the same.

Some say love is not definable, but it very is,

Close your eyes and hope to die, the face you see,

The face who'd make you cry, reconsider, that is.


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