

~Miss A

In sections, distilled, kept in chambers like potions,

But why? Do I seem so fragile? It's washing me over,

Where did I store my brain, I need to fight, scream, hide,

I am seen ain't I? Then why do I find the sheets behind.

Like a riddle, my enunciation you say, but I said words that matter,

No, rather that cut deep through, you have the permission to see through,

Shots are cool but energy bursts are rather atrocious,

I was happy this second, why do I find myself crying?

I stand bare to you, emotions freckled on the face, an open book,

And you take pleasure in reading them too, but lack mindfulness,

Should I decipher each sentence? Pages wet with tears are easy to tear,

Yet you watch me, adore me, resemble care and so modest.

I'm still not over it, I'm still shy, for you weild the weapon to distract me,

And I get so happy I can't complain, for the best thing I learned is to love,

Wish I could write chapters on how selfless, beautiful and yet calm it is,

Wish I could teach it through generations, set a texture so sweet and arousing. 

I would yet take a moment to sniff you out, guardian of galaxy,

My ferocious gall is tamed, how could you... Light that flame,

I turn so juvenile, as if the days of my childhood have returned,

I like the apples green, sweet and sour, like vistas in a daydream churned.

I can't lie now, I come clean, all because of habits you put in me,

I always eyed a warrior as a child, thought who would treat me like a princess,

Prayed to the elves, to give me the knowledge of the wicked,

I would be the one to save me. But now I'm labelled a queen.

Yet I need love and care, support and encouragement,

I wish to breakthrough the glass in between us and my life,

Turbid, translucent and thin, you can see me but in obligation,

Let me have your heart, your set of eyes and your hands.

I promise to keep your hands warm in mine, I would snuggle right in line,

You see me now, you see me everyday, but please see me right,

At the lowest point, I find you at such height, support me with your might,

I'm ruined and spoiled, totally a better person, but my gut is still inked to fight.

My nightmares know, the monsters the lurk by the edge of the bed,

People who can't hide, cut themselves from the reality they live in,

Yet I contained myself and tired myself with the sharp steel,

Then I got ask, why it is so tough to determine the lean. 

I'm blinded, the evil that registers tails now to give in,

A soul lit by hatred and angst, seems like the strongest piece,

But even diamonds vaporise in the right chemical, and I had a chemical overload,

Vanquished and frayed all threats, yet they continue to live in the air. 



  1. Replies
    1. Nothing matters love. Nothing. Neither you nor me.


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