

~Miss A

How would I ever try to fix you,

Try to be hard as you said that will change you,

When I can't take the blows of your words during the process,

It kills me every word, cuts deep enough to feel my heart bleeding,

When I can't ever ignore the smallest of touch you've gifted me,

Trying to cherish every moment like a treasure, but it only sings pain forward.

Tell me, when it feels unnecessary for you in the moment,

What is that you wish to avoid? Yourself or I?

Why does the both hurt me like my own self committing suicide,

Taken by my own promises, shall I worship you or your whole?

I'm in the dilemma, to save you for your better self,

Yet it feels like I'm grinding myself on a stone that never melts clay.

You said what you think are my words, 

It's atrocitious, wether it's good grief or staright pain,

But I've rather than giving you my all, I devoted myself

Body and soul, heart and brain, terms and conditions,

Anything, for you worth more than I can evaluate,

But what about me? What am I now? 

Regardless of what you say, a perfect symbol of waste.

Would my going away change anything?

I guess no, for my home is here, where can I run to!

Running away is a thought right, my dreams did concude vanashing since a child.

Stop it, these are just stupid thoughts you'll regret it later,

But that's not what the hurt says. It hurts, majorly to run and dissolve,

Wish to see the worry crease your forehead like I always do.

Again, stupid thought. That would never happen,

For like you are you, feels like you won't ever choose to chase me,

Even if I was a dream, I would be better forgotten ain't it,

For I've gotten so toxic for you, everyday keeping in check like a jailer,

But here I don't feel like them, I feel like a servant,

Ready at your service whatever it takes.

I know what would help me. 

My mumma told me those are cowards who choose to jump over the high roof,

And I promised myself, a coward, that's the worst thing to be ever. Yet now I know,

Getting accepted into thier community won't be hard, 

Just a subtle way to find freedom, of mind, and earthly desires,

I'll be brave, now come to the mother of the Earth, wishing her embrace. 

Wrote everything to keep a track of time,

Feels lost here, with everything yet alone.

Playing a gamble against love, not knowing what it's going to offer,

Is par out of reach, out of context to believe it at a sudden,

Maybe that's what they call a life, maybe that's what the survivors think,

I would never know, because I am the smallest of the small.

Yet I am aching to caress you for a second more,

If the universe gives me more time, I'll be thankful 

Yet what would I do in it, a misogyny so drastic,

I hear my blood flow thought my veins, to do or to not,

You're mine why won't I, no that won't correct you at all,

Heard the biggest step in love, is to hurt your precious to lead them to a correct path.


  1. Love you love l, even if no-one but I do.


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