It only takes a bit of courage

 It only takes a bit of courage
~Miss A

It only takes a bit of courage, to confess to you, all that I've holding back,
Yet I'm so scared, I'm like a sheep, I hide, how do I say it all? 
For when I think of you, my fingertips get cold, I can hear the singing birds,
It is a sudden feeling, for I start thinking this world is worth living on.

It only takes a bit of courage, to show you that fruits I can bear,
They are the sweetest ones you could ever taste. Enter my world, you'll feel devoted,
Towards your soul, and you'll find spiritual virtue, and all I'll know is being frail,
I dance slow, lost in you, unconscious, my heavy skirt decorating the vista in feeble circles.

It only takes a bit of courage, would you understand, the sacred taste of morning dew,
If you could understand, I would tell, the gift of gentleness gifted to women,
A burning flame, soft as cotton, to be cared in the most delicate way, that's how I saved it,
Pigmented analogous colors, mixed to find a vibrant yet compounded brocade.

It only takes a bit of courage, and everyone tried to keep me away, for the better I say,
For now, I've been woven to prestigious webs, how do I come and spell it to you,
Tears my heart little by little, without any ointment, I try to trace my lines to you,
But the artist of our lives carved voluptuous embroideries, to let us find ourselves.

It only takes a bit of courage, maybe I'll speak and run, for I've grown petite,
You were supposed to comes to my dreams, but the thought of losing you turns it to a nightmare,
What is the value of pearls, what is the value of kajal, if you aren't there,
Where would I go to be fragile, accept the mirin I've been blessed with.

It only takes a bit of courage, a reason to believe in the community of givers,
And all those forgotten values suddenly become sincere to me, like thanking for the day,
Looking at the palm, remembering the warmth in these cold hands are powerful,
Touching the palm to the face, marinating self with the first of the sunlight.

It only takes a bit of courage, why do we plant flowers, are they not an easy buy?
The smell and the blossom are just a gift, the soothe of the wind and water say,
"I'm alive and living as you our, keep cherishing me, the results you'll have will be the best",
But the sun is its guardian, so is its enemy., the wind and the soil so company them too.

It only takes a bit of courage, I've shown it to you, mellow and pastel, apologized from nervousness,
Every moment, is stitched to my eyes, yet an echo, as if I didn't hear myself, it's blur and dizzy,
I want to hear you all, I'm frustrated of the subtle silence between us, like unsaid chattering of lies,
I can't make you see, how beautiful the scars in my heart are, I'll work hard, make you feel the same.



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