

~Miss A

Who am I? 

Whoever I was.

It feels like my existence derived from your presence,

Your absence changes me quite nicely as well.

For once I have everything, so introverted like a child,

Another moment, I'm so alone, a deprived lion ready to hunch. 

Spinning around your city, I found only empty cars,

Strangers running, the view spellbinding with a symphony of betrayal.

I just wanted to bind, but couldn't win, so I drew a line,

No answers needed, no question asked, acceptance inbound silence.

Found an umbrella to hide from the blue drips, felt it blue underside,

How could smile cast a line, pushes away the resent held in the cheeks.

In my memories, there's only shadow left, no face, no voice, all read by me,

And this heart disregards to picture anything more, but this mind used to like.

There's a sea in my heart; it's alright love, everyone cries,

Cry baby, if you wanna get fast on the line, the path of demise.

I look at pink, and I think it's grey, perfected to pale,

Teach me how to vanish in the shrubs, underneath the morning sky.

Learned to disguise, from the vast variety of creeks you call a smile,

None so real, for there's no connection as it used to be before.

Lively and jumpy, a theatre of entertainment to be hung up to be,

The pinch of sugar in the rivery of spice is delight.

Stuck in midriff, always heard what the head commanded, but failed,

Talk of abomination and then the dreams of domination haunts me. 

Configure an animal, oh! Why am I on the top of the list

What have you done! Even my constant thoughts have ambiguity.

The sand ruins what I wrote in it, with a mere gust of wind,

I'm taken by it too, parts stress and anxiety flushed, inhabitanting me. 

It's night already, I wish to be seen in your eyes, as if it's everything,

I imagine selves, cassettes and curtains, everything in between. 

A little party never hurts anyways, guess so won't thrill,

But we're all scavengers, looking for a little more everytime.

Evidences are rooms of chaos, high sleeps are ruins of destiny,

You put me in dilemma, is grievance what I asked for all the time?

I still write for someone who reads, but I'm unaware if they do,

Made a boundry, crushed it to the line, fell for the strict, but why?

How do you escape something that stirs the aura you've ever asked for?

This is the state of confusion I can't surpass, can't even rhyme. 

Where would the fish go? Out of the lake? Was it a jail?

Isn't the ocean as big as you can ever find, this is just the shore.

Ignored the signs of being okay, being right, don't know them anymore,

Cracked of codes of mortal demise, and I'm chasing the roots indeed. 


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