
Kill me, this time is too long,

I summon you my lord, listen to my words,

The darkness vents it's fear, and it gets so dim,

I don't wish for light, all I see are my mistakes.

Love is a contagious disease, and so is stress,

Working all like a ambitious stubborn mischief,

I am trying to get my act together, oh no,

I feel my hairs crawl on my skin, what's this subtle dread.

I see roses, but they burn negative in my mind,

My life flashes before my eyes, no way I was going to heaven,

I'm shaking, hard. But why? Don't I know it all,

Yet my breath is heavy, and so are my eyelids.

I'm sorry my lord, I haven't visited you for long,

For being this late, don't punish me with your all,

I creep here, a devotee, for once and for all,

At your hold; shower your bullets like raindrops. 

A sinner I am, bit you're so capable and provoking so well,

I lost the grip from my fingers, so help if 'cause better you can,

After seeing the universe, the galaxy seems so small,

Under these burning candles, let me aneek under your mask. 

I'm ready for the torture, I'm aching with anticipation now,

Let me out up some music, my thumping heart is breaking my concentration,

I wish to hold steady, show you no signs of being such a contempt,

So whilst the spell has taken control, let me show. 

All I feel is stress, breaking my bones from every direction,

I want to loosen the pain, take me into your embrace,

But I'm sorry, for I will let you feel this tempt arising from me in you too,

For if your your subject can handle this much of pressure, so can the master.

I'm sorry, but for us to unite, there will be both of the highs and the lows,

Take deep breaths when it's so high it's poisonous, grate your teeth,

Watch me glide, when it's so slow it's glittering weakness in my knees,

I'm suffering inside, bleeding, in this cage, faster, fetch the keys.

It seems like this heart will elope from this body,

But lord, it's very pretty, so much you made it our hobby,

And I cannot under any circumstance denu it, for I was born this way,

I'm getting weak and weak, my feet found the cold, found the numb.

And I mean it, the more serious way, I need the medicine,

Two more minutes, and I would crumble, come find me,

Make sure I'm warm inside out, make sure to rub my tips,

Let me grow in the stress, so thta I would rather beg for it.

The danger and the stress, makes my iris hide behind the lids,

I'm fraglie, no matter how many times I devote, it goes away in a mist,

Shaking and trembling as if I'm tipsy, but it feel rather more risky,

For I can't fake a moment, my soul is being written by you.

I don't a lot of fabrics, but you feel richer than velvet, expensive,

I'd like to taste you my lord, let me have a sip from this champagne,

It's so dark and creamy, I'm fidgetting but I can't even predict your movements,

I know the greatest of the high exists here, so give me and I'll take.

My existence has already been enslaved by you, 

It's a yes or a yes, take the chances, do me as you like,

I have asked nothing much from life, but good lot it's a priority,

I can hug the sky, or ditch it with giving my back.

There is no sadness, it's a river of mindfulness, but without thoughts,

I have my hands tied, supress my will the fight it, let me fight this,

I have seen how the caterpillars find its way to find the food,

I'm on my knees, I see you, I worship you with all you please. 


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