

~Miss A

I was scared to commit to you,
To come to you with all my mighty,
Scared that if we fall apart,
Still then I wouldn’t be able to replace you,
My heart will sing your name
And every time it rumbles, I’ll cry.
I wanted to be just friends,
Just to be together all the time
Cause I heard friendships don’t fall apart
But suddenly I felt, it’s not enough as well.
Now it feels like that even if we lose our way
After being one, and even if it kills me inside out,
If I’m asked one more time to be with you,
This heart will always say yes.
I have loved you sincerely from the bottom of my heart,
So deep, I didn’t know a place like this existed.
I have loved you and bloomed like a flower,
The smell might fade, but the scent will always stay.
I’m waiting for the day to finally give my hand to you,
Let myself loose, stop holding myself upright
I wanna fall to you, crawl to you, snuggle right behind you,
I wanna tell you all the stories of how I prayed for you.
Even the slightest knowledge of getting your glimpse,
Held me upright, let me go through the worst of my days.

No matter how my mood is, great or at its worst,
A part of me always thanks the lord for letting me see your face,
I might chew on my anger, or I might speak so bitter it’s like hate,
My heart cries when I argue with you, it’s like hurting myself.
When did you turn into this reflection of mine,
How I treat you becomes how I treat myself.
How did you turn into this magical piece of mirror,
To see you happy and laughing, I must smile for it.
And how did you walk me past these two realms?
Where the reflection and the identity becomes one…
I have learned to care for me, really,
But I never saw this part of self-love.
I have never realized what emptiness was,
But from the moment you knocked on my door,
I started to know little by little that a fragment of mine was missing,
And you made me believe it, that the missing part was you.
Now I feel lonely every second,
Every moment I am apart from you,
Tickles my everything, it wants you here,
In the moments I can’t hold your hand, I go down the memory lane.
Red eyes and the trembling disease, I have went through it all,
My heart calls for you, a shrieking desire to hold you,
To hold you so bad, never ever let you go,
But right for now, I’ll look for a story and see you through.

Love <3


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