

~Miss A.


Child of the storm, how do you walk through it?
In the descends of the lightning years, how does it not matter?
So thunder stricken, but you do not fear, why get charged?
You’re walking the ground, not even changing your pace…
Do you like the catastrophe you move by?
You don’t even move your focus away, eyeballs set with cohesive.

What do you walk for?
What is the red for your bullseye?
Somehow I’m convinced, it’s nothing sane.
I spun my own stories in my head, about you.
And nothing feels wrong, I’m surprised. All what can you do?
Is it war? Is it vengeance? Is it the throne?
What is the tyranny? I’m still trying to take a guess.
I’ll curse the name behind it all, I wish I could act mature.

I think I am still have a part of me in the grave,
And without realizing the breeze, I dig it again,
Put a part of me again. Would you look at me?
Of all the thing I could be attracted to…
I still get taken by the things which for world, ain’t a fit
Keep chasing your destiny, I will put cohesive in our fate.
Leeches are hurt by salt, yet the live in water.
Are you the same too?

You keep haunting me, be mine.
I ain’t that bad. Maybe, worse. Bring me the Neptune.
You could do it. Can’t you? I’ll put a curse on it.
For I am a chaser of trouble, you seem like one.
Have you heard all what people say about you?
Shall I finish them off on my way.
Give me a look, a look of dismay. I may.
The stones you step on, can be my weapon.


  1. Mastttttt ekdummmm.. Aanchal yaaaaar.. Kyaa mastt ho yaaar tum

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