Your Voice





It’s been so long, I crave to hear your voice
You scare me, where are you now
Shredder of love, all your words of ice
Here I’m holding the tears, so low.
I’m singing all the songs so coarse
But would you understand what pulls me up...
I’m hearing nothing but tones of morose
Been begging the heavens for any sugar in cup.
No,  I’m not shocked to meet you here

I wished I could, but rather I sigh, I’m relieved
You’ve been fine I hope
All the wishes I asked the meteorites
Was no one else’s but only yours.
It looks like you were missing me as well
For your eyes don’t say you wanna run away.

I’ve holding, trying to grasp the least
Of your voice, memorizing it every day
Hoping I won’t forget the melodies
Soothing it is to my ears, and how much
How will you ever know...
Losing a note was like losing a part
When would you know!
I take a step towards you.

And then I am stuck to the ground.
But I see you move quickly to me as well
How do you do that?
I just lost the energy, I’ve been trying to uphold
Yet I stand here, my arms open for you
Just come here, come on!
The lines of frustration rule your face
You sure have terms to explain

I would want to hear every inch of it
Know where I was wrong,
I would be only satisfied by hearing your voice
So that I can recall all the sounds I forgot
That is all I ask for, I need no explanation
I want just any excuse to hear from you.
But shh....! Wait for now.
I can’t hear it before I make you mine.

Give me my shrivel, I will dug my grave again
I just want to remain stuck in any of your traps
Let me take a hold of you, please don’t mind
Let me make a grip on you, once, twice and thrice
Wait hush... don’t speak yet, I turn my gaze cold
Make an awkward silence, wait a second dear.

You are next to me, and you are going to speak
Speak all the things that pulled you apart
Which broke my ship in two halves, sunk me
Your eyes don’t lie, neither your shy stance
I pulled you out of crowd, sorry I was aggressive
I wanna see you only by myself, I’m selfish
I don’t want you in the crowd, disguised,
When I make you mine. So be yourself.

You are still shut, I’m thankful; very
But I’m aware of your heart getting heavy
I love how you look to me now, sincere
Not being empty and not understanding
Let me savor the lips, which speak so nicely
Let me cherish your being, for now.

You’re soft, lighter than ever, salted from sorrow
You aren’t confident anymore, but you define love
I wanna hear your voice, I been craving for so long
But I won’t accept your words, ruin this ecstasy
I wanna hear your voice, I can’t wait no more.
Moan for me baby, speak to me with your soul
Let me know what you are getting, what you want,
What you need, and what you don’t.

You can trust me with all, you will and silence
Your gratefulness and what you atone for.
I will then decide, what I will do with that all
Give you all you want, or frustrate you for longer
I’ve been never ashamed of all my deeds
Your voice makes me want to try it once more.

Forgive me baby, for all the awkwardness I enrolled
I really wanted your voice, deprived of words
I needed to hear your soul for once,
Not your speech and your mind
Try to tattoo a sign to it, make you mine
I promise I’ll give you your time later
Speak all you wanted to, I wanna hear you speak
But for the drought, let me hear the rain song.
I won’t let you cry again, you take your turn now
I’m going to repair the boat, so set sail now.





  1. Ahan, someone is writing poetry from male perspective these days😂❤️❤️. Would love to read some short stories too on this blog.😀


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