

~Miss A

It's not about what you can dare
It's about what you can decide
Once you decide, it won't even take courage
You know to how begin it,
And you know you to end it very well
You can turn to find out the beauty
Or you'd break down to scrambled legion of thoughts
And I don't even wanna know
All my wishes as grand as a legion.

'Cause baby I'm alone now,
I can't think of you the same.
Oh! Baby I'm alone now,
I can't cherish the game,
Oh! Baby I'm alone now,
Why can't you sense all my pain?
Yeah baby I'm alone now,
Can't you recall my name?

Hoping all those wishes,
Singing songs so dreamingly...
It gets harsh as it fades
I'd hope, I'd hope, I'd wish you'd be back.
But I can't see a thing
And I can' see no sign
And I just sit and sigh...
All my thoughts, scattered, a pool, a legion.

I'd believed, there's nothing to be scared
But some wounds, leave behind scars
So deep it cuts, it ends up cutting you inside
But you won't believe now
The liveliness of depth.
It keeps cutting out, cutting in, cutting me instead.
'Cause baby I'm alone now,
I can feel it in my veins
Oh! Baby I'm alone now
All my energy is drained.
I'm a mess now, so scrambled, my breathe a legion.

I can't see high, over those trees
Can't see the calm blue sky
I can't see now, all that greenery
The lawns of happiness are so dry.
Wishing you'd be here,
Wishing you next to me
Watching you, holding you
Dance with you, play with you 
Smile with you, laugh with you
Cry with you, cherish you...
But all those things, which passed by
Can't be revived,
So here I lay.
All the rush, all the hush, a legion.

: )


  1. You are alone? Ye kb hua? Jaa paap lagega humko ab LOL

  2. you write good ,it seems like it comes directly from your heart
    keep it up miss aanchal choudhary


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