

~Miss A

We are living in 21st century, and this is no ordinary one. Coming across protests, whether a big one, or a silent one under the tags of twitter, we see a lot of stuff happening around us everyday.

And this upcoming of new protests come up more frequently, when we "term" a new specification. Like a new term supposedly is "pick-me person" or say I'm an "ambivert". The more we describe emotions or set of emotions together and term it, the more using of the word can be seen to occur in society pointing out a valid reasoning or description of that object, which could be made prior in explaining a persons self. 

Going back 20K years, researchers have found no usage of color blue. So did we back then did not see blue? The answer is "No". We did see blue, we just didn't knew how to differentiate it as blue, we knew it as green. 10K years later, we not only knew blue, we made blue. We could understand the differences in textures what was light sky blue and dark blue. Now, we can easily identify something of pink as baby pink, hot pink, purplish-pink, peach, rouge-pink, strawberry-pink, bubblegum-pink and many more. The point is, when we have "termed' just normal pink in different stages of shades of pink, our mind can more easily identify it form the rest.

Something same happens with our emotions as well, once we knew happy, sad, angry and now we have classified a lot of other emotions based on actins and behavior. We now have fundamental emotions + drastic ones Interest, Joy, Surprise, SadnessAnger, Disgust, Contempt, Self-Hostility, Fear, Shame, Shyness, and Guilt. Coming to behavior we can nurture something like Ambitious Cautious Creative Curious Perfectionist Anxious Careless Impatient Lazy Rigid Sober Undisciplined Volatile, Extrovert and many more. Emotions that have far filled our emoji dictionaries, yet a lot remain missing. 

This century is amazing because we have words too define almost everything. And we have rights to express, seemingly you can call someone "narcissist", which is a quite common word nowadays, with an abstract meaning to be used by the user, and because the term makes sense we all have adjusted to it.

So, if you have to explain anything to anyone term it a name. And because your termed it, it would somehow make sense, weather it is existential, contains mass or is totally abstract, or is not it will hit at the basic points. That's where our evolution is today.

For understanding this perspective, lets make a random scribble.

Now, lets call this random scribble a flower.
Okay, lets add description to it. Say its a piece of art, its a horizontally laying flower and because the petals are complicated, the pencil strokes are more board and wide and the stem is soft and singular. Now you can frame the same scribble as a part of an image of a flower in your brain. And somehow you accept it as a flower. But it would be hard to convince other people of the same thing. So lets add more fragments to this scribble, call it as 'A technique abstract demonstration of a flower using curved loops on a single stroke'. Now it has become more realistic in nature. Lets name this objectified technique as 'Viwitlance'. FYI no word like that exists, but adding "lance" to it makes it sound more sound-friendly in society. Now, lets tutor 10 students/audience of the technique of Viwitlance and teach them to scribble similar patterns of strokes of scribbling. Soon Viwitlance is a concept that could be understood and behaviors can be learned and judged, so according to the same, term Viwitlance's identity remain a realistic concept. 
Now any person knowing this pattern of scribbling will call it art and amongst thousands of scribbles of the same type can actually identify the one in picture. 
The question arises, another person having no idea of Viwitlance, might call it "grass" or "cloud" or "garbage"... would a person knowing Viwitlance accept that?
Most probably that person won't and will explain what Viwitlance is to the other being. And that fast information's goes out in public in 21st century, with more iconic social methods. And because we have named a term and properties to it, we have advanced to go with it.
The regal point is, now that I have told you to assume Viwitlance, you know nothing like that is true in clear perspectives of human world. But there a n-number of terms in the society who's identification is off to some people's belief and we adopt it before testing it. Because of which we face issues and raise issues, but we don't question the issue in itself!
I've come across this concept when I saw Reedit reposts of the word somehow normally used by a person to accuse another person of being a "pick-me" person. A term like that has a common impact on a large media of people facing issues with their self perspectives of not being able to get attention of a specified person. The reason can easily be of the other person's interest and because of that other person's interest in other kind of individual isn't what he person in itself has. The common lack of self-reliance and infused haltered for the next person who was chosen then themselves caused an outrage in them, pronouncing the next person as the fault, defining their living perspective choices as "pick-me". The point is, someone at some point of their life dislikes or gets jealous at not being the one, but accusing someone else for that is incorrect. But as we have termed a word "pick-me" now, so that jealous outrage in themselves will take a sneak somewhere, and until hurt, the motive will keep raising useless issues and the way to tackle it would be getting a new term. Because we have adopted some words before testing it and now we are covered a nice range of distance without questioning it. Letting it enter our belief system.

Now I have a question, how many things have you questioned?
Getting an answer is easy trust me, questioning is the tough part.

Learn it - Term it.

Thankyou : ) Have a nice day/night.


  1. Research on point and you were articulate with your writing. We want to read more such blogs. This was damn damn lit. Piroud Fan <3


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