Once Upon A Time

 Once upon a time...

(Because a stupid little idiot asked me to say)

So lemme tell you a story...

Once upon a time when people didn't knew how to tell stories and didn't knew the line "once upon a time", in those times lived a little boy with his younger sister.

The brother was almost 7 years old and the sister so small was 3 yrs old.

She used to be extremely chubby and a cheered up person and light gleamed in her happy eyes.

They were poor from income , her mom mostly used to stay away trying anything to get money

And his father worked hard as well,trading all they could manage together.

So this time there parents were late from trading and weren't back home yet.

But unfortunately, this night has spun wild and the storm has taken rise. 

It was the storm because of which thier parents had to shift their route a bit and stop by the far ends of the main city premises.

Wondering and dying inside to meet the children. 

But the storm wasn't stopping. It kept it's pout  on and only grew intense.

The little sister was afraid and kept holding the ends of his shirt and followed him around as he was doing the little work to stop the rainwater enter the home.

And on a strikning sound of the thunder he noticed how her sister quiver. But remember they were people poor of income but not poor of love.

He held his sister out on the lap, held and told her something so amazing that let her to sleep with comfort, forgetting how troublesome the world was.

He complied some facts, some things he heard, the sounds he created as he spoke was the first story ever told in the history.

The told her a story and he went like...

"Once upon a time" there were two siblings lying in the edges of fear of getting eaten by a monster.. because he knew that might be the worst of her sisters fears at the moment.

And then he made the story up of the mightiest warrior in the history of the unspoken times coming to kill the monster and save them. He was the mightest of 'em all, said he. He made the story so dramatic that she believed every word he said and went into the sleep unafraid of the monster lurking under her bed. Unafraid of the monster that might drop down from the lightning instead.

When she went to sleep he hummed her some tones he didn't knew where it came from and kept spreading the positive energy.

Nothing did he know, that the actual warrior that killed the monsters of unknown fears was himself and with the story he forgot what child he was himself and how afraid and trembling the Mightiest warrior felt inside.

None that showed on his face that he kept rigid but yet so calm and polite.

And that's how the first story was ever said, a story itself, untold. 

 A story by Miss A


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