The moment I wish I could paint

The Moment I Wish I Could Paint...
It's silly, isn't it... 
Fighting for small things
Wishing you could hold some things to yourself
Selfish, totally
After all I told the idiots, to meet me that evening
But they were outside the campus
Having my favorite street food all by themselves
Bastards, I still comment that...
But wishes for a sight, prevails still
Making the anger, bring on a different level
So angry, I said "What if it's our last meet for now"
And heavens is known bad for granting you unwanted curses
The country locked down, the college shut
And sudden approaches to leave the city came the same morning
There is nothing worse , then not seeing, not talking 
To some people, you don't know how you got connected with
It hurts, and soaring you see the tickets
Which don't excite you anymore 
'Cause your home is where your heart is
The croaking walls of cell, bad food and water doesn't really matter
I kept packing, taking to someone who told me be happy
But inside I was going insane, and even more...
'Cause with the rules and regulations 
There remains no chances to sight as I gain the insight
Packed bags and all done...
Pretty much no sleep... 
A cold water bath to keep conscious
And help myself to with the load drowning my head
It's 12:30 and I am listening to some song
Which somehow cries of home and 
It's melodies send chills
And my worthless phone rings
Breaking in the continuous loop, bastards 
"We are reaching in 5 minutes, get everyone you got
and meet at our spot, right now"
My eyes brightened up... so I could see them
There is no thing better
I knew the places they meant right away, and 
 Hurried with whatsoever left
The smile which set me could not fade away
And without any further delay
We left for our way
Somehow, they managed the leave they don't get
You did the right thing, I was in a fortress of distress
The railway station not so far, but every moment 
I had right then is what I rejoiced
This time I would be gone, without the drinks
Make sure idiots, next time don't forget this thing
The train is at 6 and we are here by 1 
The 5 hours I had, are sure my best ones
 The night was partly cloudy
But I could spot the stars
The back seat of auto-rickshaw we seated in volunteering 
Those bad jokes and laugh, felt high itself
It's partly dizzying, the rain,
Cold swoosh of breeze  strangely exotic
And then comes the scene ever hit in my head
The one dark scene I want to paint to reality
Alas! I am too bad for how lively it was
I sat on some closed shops bench 
Having my 'Kulladh wali Chai'
The street was all black, lit by a single street lamp
Near the only small shop open 
Which made world's best Chai and omelets
And I couldn't help bit stare at both of the idiots
Who meant quite much to me
Having Chai and lighing up a smoke
Watching there smiling faces as they had small conversation 
The shopkeeper was interactive as well
And every move put so perfectly as if I am in a movie
I told them not to get me omelet but as if they will hear me
They got me, and fed me
And I must be an idiot as well
To make excuses of not touching the oil
'Cause let them feed me, I'm sorry, I will steal that 
We were crazy dancing and jumping on empty street 
Playing football on silent platform with some crushed bottle
We laughed crazily, eating and playing
I will never grow up, say I'm a kid to do these stupid things
taking, hugging, what's infections, what's sanity?
The night faded with the dawn
And I am with you both
My untimely leaving a secret
Your leaving hostel a secret
As the final hour approached, you got me to my seat
The stop not few minutes, clear in all of our eyes
How much we all will miss this, but can't leave with tears
We will meet soon, we smiled and waved
Keeping the emotions pressed, bastards
The whistle came, and we shouted, every word a  slang 
'Cause we mean it, making each other laugh 
And see smiles before we lost sight of them ,
In the silent, silent platform...
I'm here now, at my house
Not sure where my home is,
And luckily get to hear your voices and see your faces
Thanks to technology
But that scene 
Of black night, cigarette smoke,
Over salted eggs and dim street light,
Those stars and mild rains
Are ever stuck in my brain 
Your slightly wet, folded shirts
Jackets I held, because you din't wear it
Those colors, and smile 
Keeps coming to me again and again
Sometimes as dreams, sometimes as nightmares
But I am sure I miss that pure moment in every aspect
Wish I could paint, what I see



  1. The moment I wish I could paint...

    it's silly, isn't it...
    Fighting for small things
    Wishing you could hold some things to yourself
    Selfish, totally

    you remember?
    it was somewhere before november rain,
    though i still remember it all the same,
    A day i wish i could paint,
    with the darkest shade of outer space.

    A phone call, started it all,
    the chaos, the turbulence whatsoever you call,
    the very beginning of my fall,
    a nightmare coming true afterall.

    you had your shot, I missed mine,
    I fucked it up though its fine.

    with my body burning like pale red coal(Had 101 fever),
    i drove in hurry to your home,
    with salt water dripping down the eyes,
    heart panting to the highs.
    they say, this is life, this is how its supposed to be,
    but to be honest the remains of you, still remain in me.

    (An old poem written in the dark, subscribe for full poem)

    1. U baka, u wish for me to cry.... !

    2. You know it better, I'll never wish that.

  2. chaos comes with no alarm and you have always been a warrior. still a reminder!! that face, when gets sad doesn't seem right! sometimes, the hard times will try to pull you away, chaos will try to drown you in, but remember. i told you. you're a wildflower. the one which blooms even in the harshest of thorns. remember, i told you you're a cold and untamed river, breaking bridges. the one, who can tremble the roughest of the mountains and still stay so soft. remember, I told you to smile and i'll bring all the chaos to peace.

    1. And those are the words of a gentleman, saying goodbye in serenity... but I object my lord! Somethings once claimed remains their forever, For the density is forsaken unsubscribed of wishes but words of the brave men who claim and proceed.... Hate u baka!

    2. You shall know by now, that we say, I love you to the people we wish to keep close and hate you to the ones who can't be taken away

    3. I have hated you from the very start baka.😂


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