
(Erase+ Remember + Hold On, Stay, Ok?)
How long can your persist dreams that drift away with the sunset?
‘Cause for the moon to shine, it takes the sun to go down...
How long will you hold it? How long you can keep it? Will you remember?
How long did you pester, before everything seems likes a vivid dream...

It seems that every time the Sakura blossoms, its aroma sweet and vibrant
Fills the heart of mere people with life, emotions so cheerful and extravagant
That’s when the spring of every merciless story begin, upright and honorable
Aware of the facts, that the leaves of bonding will shed, which once blossomed
Will you yet want to be, the part of the merchandise of memories
 Might blossom giving you hopes; beautifully rain when breaking you.
Once the spring is gone, the last bit of fragrance turning to mist
You ask yourself, is it all right to still hold on the scent that once presumed?
Some part of you sharing the warmth of it, some saying it’s time for a goodbye
Is there any hope, it will come again next year won’t it, but would it be the same?
Aren’t you curious? Would the immortal tree of faith have the same aura?
Considering that blossoming yearth might be immortal, but time waits for none
The wind might even flow the same way, but it never haves same tendencies.
Well, the beautiful night is known for the dark
And with every night of teary dream, the dawn is more and more dry
That’s the more peculiar needle, as you forget the realities past
And start living in the images of uncertainty called memory shade
Fear? The light of the world will destroy ever shade and engage
Making you forget the fine details of the precious scent you contained.
Painful? Not anymore, humans have tendencies to alter and corrupt
Change that shade of memory with a new version of misconnect
And avoiding the pain, one fading smile, the bonding is erased
Forgetting the sakura petals they played in, relived as the scent vanishes
But does it really die? The smell so different and precious,
The one story for which you can’t cry
You might recall the memories, but details changed and gone
What can you do? Hopelessness and cowardice made you erase.

Dandelions blossom and fly, living its own freedom and time
Giving all of its beauty and itself, to the wind, cherishing a new life
One my erase beautiful times, looking forward with dry eyes
But there are ones who persist their dream, crying but glorifying and divine
‘Cause those are the ones who hold on to the fine threads
It doesn’t matter to them whether they get the love back or not
The brave hearts, who know to cherish every bit of what existed,
Crazy drunkard bastards, who hold on their own wills and esteem in it
Are actually the ones who know the values of the most valuable dreams
The dreams which are not yet a past, which stays as real as the present
Too vulnerable to break inside, but they yet take a sip of the storm
‘Cause they know, what they have achieved might be painful
Expecting nothing of the one who left by, yet it tastes so sweet
In the mist of bitterness, all you remember is that addictive sensation
Are you here, or am I lost, they ask them self
Taking in whatever pleases, its their mind to play with
And they achieve what they want, maybe real maybe false.

Hold on, stay, okay?
Have you ever seen, wishes of self destruction, so vast, so rightful
Easier things are easier to be done, to leave, and to erase
The harder ones, who remember, bury everything inside
Is it so hard to hold on? To each other
To stay,
To let possess,
Walking past is a beautiful continuation,
But as we carry humanly heart, it asks
Can I hold on to this moment
Let the time pass, but I still be its part
To cherish what we got, lets promise for the bold
Dear, please, Hold on, stay , okay?!!
And they wish, to preserve what they get ...


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