Kill me, this time is too long, I summon you my lord, listen to my words, The darkness vents it's fear, and it gets so dim, I don't wish for light, all I see are my mistakes. Love is a contagious disease, and so is stress, Working all like a ambitious stubborn mischief, I am trying to get my act together, oh no, I feel my hairs crawl on my skin, what's this subtle dread. I see roses, but they burn negative in my mind, My life flashes before my eyes, no way I was going to heaven, I'm shaking, hard. But why? Don't I know it all, Yet my breath is heavy, and so are my eyelids. I'm sorry my lord, I haven't visited you for long, For being this late, don't punish me with your all, I creep here, a devotee, for once and for all, At your hold; shower your bullets like raindrops. A sinner I am, bit you're so capable and provoking so well, I lost the grip from my fingers, so help if 'cause better you can, After seeing the universe, the galaxy seems so small...